Women in Academia: Gender and Academic Freedom in Africa


Ebrima sall


Africa, Freedom, Academia, Gender


(The State of Academic Freedom Series). Dakar, CODESRIA, 2000, 190 p., ISBN: 2-86978-061-3

The struggle for gender equality within academic life continues to meet strong resistance all around the world. African campuses are no exception. In the one area where women should be able to command respect and equality, the day-to-day reality of female academics is one of antagonism, difficulty and even physical and mental harassment. Academic freedom in Africa has attracted much recent attention. But few examinations of the subject have incorporated a gender analysis.

Drawing on the experiences of women from Cameroon, Egypt, Malawi, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda, this ground-breaking book examines in detail the realities of academic life. Choice in curricula, under-funding, promotion, relations with other staff and pay conditions are just a few of the critical issues explored.

Women in Academia reveals the true relations of power, resources and personalities among men and women and academia. This understanding will have a positive impact on research and development on the continent.


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Author Biography

Ebrima sall

is the immediate past Executive Secretary of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, Africa's leading social research council that was ranked top think tank of Sub-Saharan Africa in the 2016 Goto-Global Think Tanks Report of the University of Pennsylvania.

Prior to becoming the Executive Secretary (April 2009 to June 2017), he was a Senior Programme Officer and Head of Research at CODESRIA for five years (2004-2009). He has also held senior positions in other institutions, including as Managing Director of the Center for the Promotion of Village Savings and Credit Associations (VISACA) in BrikamaBa, The Gambia, which was then under the Gambian Ministry of Agriculture (1992-1994); and Senior Research Fellow and Programme Coordinator at the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden (2001-2004). He taught as an adjunct professor at the political science department of Gaston Berger University, in Saint-Louis, Senegal, from 1996 to 2000.

In 1992, he was promoted to the rank of ‘Maitre de Conferences’ (Associate Professor) in ‘sociology-demography’, by the National Commission of Universities of France.

He holds a ‘Maitrise’ (MA) degree in Economic and Social Administration from the University of Grenoble in France, a Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in the Socio-economics of development, and a doctorate in sociology from University of Paris I-Pantheon-Sorbonne.

He was a post-doctoral fellow of Yale University's Program in Agrarian Studies in 1997-98, and is currently a Senior Research Fellow of the Center for African Studies, Harvard University.

Ebrima is the (co-)author/editor of several publications on higher education, academic freedom, the social sciences, social movements, citizenship, governance, and post-conflict transitions in Africa. He is a citizen of The Gambia.


July 26, 2000