From the Congo Free State to Zaïre (1885-1974) : Towards a Demystification of Economic and Political History
Congo RD, ZaïreSynopsis
Dakar, CODESRIA, 1992, 232 p., ISBN : 2-86978-008-7 (broché)
Where did the fabled riches of the Congo go? What happened to all the capital accumulated by colonial industry? Why is Zaire still underdeveloped, while the Belgian economy now thrives? Tapping rich and varied sources, this book challenges dominant historiographical assumptions and practice while analyzing the past and present impact of Belgian joint stock companies on the Zairian economy. It argues that colonialism paved the way for the triumphant return of other colonizers - the multinational corporations - under the hegemony of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, with "structural adjustment" replacing "pacification".
Jacques Depelchin's investigation of Zairi overturns colonial assumptions, rooting its analyses in the people's own history. It raises stimulating questions not only about the colonial past, but also about the very framework underlying previous analyses.