Aspects of SOCIO-ECONOMIC RIGHTS in Botswana
This book offers the readers with a nuanced discussion on the promotion, protection, and fulfilment of aspects of economic, social, and cultural rights in Botswana. Borrowing from lessons from other jurisdictions, international and regional standards, contributors to this book highlight the extent to which the country's policy, legal and constitutional framework has provided for the enjoyment of these rights. With specific cases studies on the right to education, the right to the environment, the right to water, the right to adequate housing and social security, the book discusses the country's policy, legal and constitutional framework relating to these rights in Botswana. The book also discusses the justiciability of economic, social, and cultural rights in Botswana. To that end, the book offers an insight into the nature and extent of the enjoyment of these rights in a jurisdiction where they are neither constitutionally protected nor spelt out as directive principles of state policy.
''This collection is a fascinatinq account of the state of the protection of socio-economic riqhts in Botswana which features well established and emerqinq scholars. Taken toqether, the chapters present a comprehensille treatment of the subject, exposinq the potentials and limitations of the approach to the protection of socio-economic riqhts taken by Botswana. This work will attract the attention of researchers across the qlobe who are interested in the domestic protection ofsocio economic riqhts and the role of law in enhancinq peoples' socio-economic wellbeinq."
- Prof. Danwood Chitwa, Professor & Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town
''This edited collection of essays fills a yawning gap in the jurisprudence of the protection and promotion ofhwnan rights in Botswana. The idea that socio economic rights are significant tools in addressing freedom, equality, pcJllerty, disease, illiteracy, homelessness, and poor sanitation are explored in this book in a thoughtful practical profound and comparatille style."
- Prof. Enyinna S Nwauche, Professor, Nelson Mandela School of Law, University of Fort Hare
''The chapters in this book, indii,idually and collectillely, captures the challenges and opportunities to the promotion and protection of socio-economic rights. It is throuqh such honest and refreshing contributions that we can luwe a true sense of where we are as a nation. Not only is this work intellectually stimulating, but it is also timely considering that Botswana is embarking on a constitutional relliew process. It is beyond doubt that this book will inform this process and the work of all in the legal fraternity locally and beyond."
- H.E. Sanji M. Monageng P.H, Former Judge of the International Criminal Court, The Netherlands