Public services in Egbedore local government area
Public services, hospitals, rural areas, health services, educational institutions, secondary schools, health centres, health facilities,, NigeriaSynopsis
This study is concerned with assessing the accessibility of rural public service facilities like educational and health institutions. Locational accessibility of the selected services - Secondary schoo~, Primary Health Centre~ Maternity Centresand Dispensary/Health Posts - in the area are anBlysed with an accessibility index. Four experiments are carried out in order to measure the potential spatial accessibility of each of the services to the client population wi tli11':the Local Government Area. The analysis shows that variation exists within the services in the degree of inequity in potential access that stems from
locational separation of potet',\tia1 clients and the location of the services in the rural environment, with dispensary
being more accessible than the primary health centres which is the least accessible. The result of the R - statistics shows that the service facilities are dispersed in the area; the result of the AN.OVA also shows that the distance travelled to obtain the services varies among the zones. The result of the x2 analysis also shows that there exists a significant relationship'between utilisation and the nominal variable of zone.
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