An exploratory investigation into urban planning, design and construction reactions to urban violence in Nigeria: a case study of Ibadan
Urban planning, crime,, crime prevention, terrorism, urban violence,, violence, Ibadan, NigeriaSynopsis
This study addresses the issue of crime in our Society. It is observed that in recent years, vio~ence/crime has become a common feature of our social environment. The · ge·neral effect of t;.his, especially on urbanites, is their susceptibil~ty to fear and their crave for safety through the creation of safe environments; an attempt that falls withi~the purview of crime prevention through environmental design. This study thus explores the response of planning, design and construction to the increasing wave of crime in our urban environment. To achieve this aim, a number of objectives were set forth. Inclusive are: an examination of both spatial and temporal variations in crime; an analysis of the relatioriship between crime rates and the affluence (socio economic characteristics) of irihabitants; an examination of security devices to inhibit crime and lastly,/the effectiveness and costs of these devices. Three hundred and fifty questionnaires were administered in some selected localities in Ibadan, the study area. Secondary information were also obtained from the Nigerian Police and several literature.
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