Traditional ceremonial object connected with marriage customs in Omdurman : period 1885-1985
Marriage, traditional culture, folklore, Omdurman, SudanSynopsis
This study handles spme of the material culturals aspects of the marraige cer%onies in Dmdurman during the period 188.i ·- 1985 A.D. It is mainly conce,.arJ1ed.wit.h the study of continuity and change in the range; f6rm, style and function of the major material objects connected with such ceremonies. This study includes five chapters;- The first chapter deals with the aims and methods of the search as well as its scope. which conce,.$r.ns fl study of the geography and the history of the study area; and
the general deftinitions of the particular concepts used in the research. The second chapter d'e.·s c r·-i·b e·s tools and material
jects used. in marqatgejah mdurman~ It also discusses the function of these tools and objects; and the continuity and change in their range, form; style~and function. The third ch~pter traces. the historical origins of the tools and material~objects studie~ in chapter two. It also emphasizes their socio-economic role. The fourth chapter studies the symbolic values and
indications of tools and materi~l objects·used. in marriage The last chapter - chapter five - indludes the general
conclusion of the study.