Color Symbol~sm In The Sudanese Zar Rituals
Folklore, traditional culture, communication, color symbolism, cultural communication, Zar ritual, SudanSynopsis
This study examines the communication process in the Sudanese cultures through an investigation of color symbolism in
the Sudanese ~ ri tuals . Zar is an ancient folk healing practice . Its history goes back to the ancient cultures Yet i t still exists in several middle Eastern and African countries It has undergone considerable modifications to suit prevailing religions sociocultural ,ethnie ,and other local influences. The symbolic usage of colors in ~rituals is very significant ,that each spirit archetype in zar is characterized by certain color and that one of the zar names in the Sudan is the red wind ,rih al ahmar.The widely used colors in zar rituals as in the other Sudanese and African rituals are red ,white,and black. This study of color symbolism in the Sudanese ~ rituals shows how the different cultures in the Sudan can communicate in one tradition of knowledge . And how this tradition bf knowledge has undergone many changes through history.
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