Sanitation and health problems in Nigerian cities: a case of Enugu


ASOGWA, Evans Ifeanyichukwu


sanitary facilities
health problems


Societal changes and developments have always entailed the emergence of new problems. Nigerian urbanization has, among its other concommitants, led to the emergence of problems of environmental sanitation and increased health problems. Demographic, ecolcgical, economic and administrative factors were identified as having contributed to the emergence of the problems. Ne one factor could fully account for these problems but rather the interaction of the dynamics of these factors culminates in these problems in Nigerian cities. Also, the pattern of urban growth and
development, and the inability of the government te contain the tide of change by making adequate
provisions for sanitation were identified as having exacerbated the problem. Hypotheses tested using the X statistic show that income level is an important determinant of the levels cf envircnmental sanitation; that sanitation problems variad among residential areas. For instance, there were more cf the problems in the areas with inadequate supply of sanitary facilities such as drainage, refuse depots, refuse vans9 pipe borne water, good residential houses etc. The study also proved that there could be a positive correlation between the level of
environmental sanitation and the health of the people.
There were more reported cases cf infections in those areas



June 26, 2023

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How to cite

ASOGWA, Evans Ifeanyichukwu. (2023, June 26). Sanitation and health problems in Nigerian cities: a case of Enugu. CODESRIA Books Publication System. CODESRIA