Economic Analysis of Production and Utilization of Organic Fertilizer :: a case Study of Margaret Organic Fertilizer Company, Imo State, Nigeria
fertilizing, fertilizers, waste managemen, nutrients, economic analysis, organic fertilizer, ertilizer production, NigeriaSynopsis
The study examined the economic analysis of the production and utilization of organic fertilizer in
Imo State, Nigeria. The production aspect is a case study of Margaret Organic Fertilizer Company,
Ahiara, in Ahiazu Mbaisè local government araea of Imo State. while the.utilization aspect focused
on farmers in Imo State. Specifically the study examined the following; costs and retums of
production of organic fertilizer, costs and retums of utilization of organic fertilizer, factors
that affect utilization of organic fertilizer and factors that affect output of farms. A list
comprised 48 farmers who utilize organic fertilizer produced by Margaret Organic Fertilizer Company
was obtained frotn the company and 32 farmers were identified based on the location of their farms
from a survey of two randomly selected agricultural zones of Imo State. Primary data were collected
with the assistance of the production manager of Margaret Organic fertilizer company, Ahiara while
secondary data were collected from National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Nigeria and
other related Institutions. Descriptive statistics, cost return analysis and multiple regressions
were used in data analysis. Findings showed a net retum of Wl,142,000.00 in•the production of 240
t.ons of organic fertilizer in one year by Margaret Organic fertilizer Company. This showed that
the production of Organic fertilizer is profitable. Results also showed a net retum of W 57,156.20
in the utilization of organic fertilizer by farmers in a cassava/yam crop based system in one year
per hectare of farmland. This showed that the utilization of organic fertilizer is profitable. Farm
incarne and area of farml nd were found to be significant and had positive relationship with the
utilization of organic fertilizer with an R² of 0.959. Area of farmland cropped, amount of credit
available to farmers and quantity of organic fertilizer used showed a significant positive
relationship with the output of farmers, and had an R² of 0.988. The study recommended the.
increased production of organic fertilizer and its adoption for use by farmers owing to its low
cost and profitability of farms, when organic
fertilizer is utilized.
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