Perception and Knowledge of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) among selected Secondary school students in Lagos Metropolis
Aids,, student, secondary schools, Lagos, NigeriaSynopsis
There is a growing concern in the world about the rising number of deaths resulting from HIV
infection. That Nigeria is engulfed is ,. no longer news. But what can be done especially among the
productive segments of the population (like students) in order to educate and thus prevent and
modify AIDS-provoking behaviours, adopt safer sex activities and remove the misconceptions and
fears about the scourge? This is the kernel of this study.
The research was conducted over a twenty week period. It was aimed at perusing and analysing the
perception and knowledge of selected secondary school students in Lagos Metropolis towards AIDS and
people infected with HIV. We also tried among others, to study the students' level of sexual
activities and their knowledge of contraceptive devices which have manifest and unintended
consequences for the spread of HIV infection.
The study drew its sample from a mixed comprehensive secondary school in Lagos State. The sample
size was 150 out of about 1500 students in the school. The research instruments included question
naire and focus group study guide. The students' school register was used as the sampling frame. It
is an up to date 11st. The students in the Senior Secondary arms of the school were selected by
multi stage sampling technique. Four hypotheses were postulated and tested using(chi-square
statistics. Contingency co-efficient was employed to measure the strength of the association. The
four hypotheses
were validated by the empirical data. The results were presented and the implications of the study
It is argued that there is a need ta intensify and develop more appropriate educational programmes
concerning AIDS prevention strate gies among students in schools. These must be included in their
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