Factors motivating extramarital sexuality and their implications for STDs/HIV transmission in Ile-Ife
Sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, aids, HIV, epidemiology, condoms, marital status, sexual behaviou, health hazards, Ile-Ife, NigeriaSynopsis
Correlates of extramarital sexuality which place individuals and their spouses and other sex partners at ,high risk of becoming infected with STDs/HIV were investigated-among ?08 men and women in Ile-Ife. Results show that reported levels of extramarital sex is high and surprisingly higher among females than males. The mean ag at first intercourse for ma.les is-17.3-years and for females is 15.1 years. The mean number of sexual partner in the last year for males is 3.1 and for females is
1.2. The bulk of wornen who had_ extramarital relations had it because of economic considerations. Added ta the issue of rnultiplicity of sexual partners is the low adoption of condoms even among parties involved in extramarital sexual behaviour. The age-long cultural belief that semen can pollute breast:i;nilk does not help matter. Me'n generally do not approve of the use of condom when wife is breastfeeding. The bulk of these men expressed the fear that condoms can burst during
intercourse and semen can then escape and contaminate the breastmilk. Favourable attitude to money and or material compensation for sex cor elates significantly with high level of extramarital sex. Women economic status is also found to predict significantly level of extramarital relations. Increasin_g economic hardships in the country have forc d many people
young or· old to resort to promiscuous sexual behaviour to make a living. Unfortunately most ·of
these illicit sexual relationships go unprotected. The fear of AIDS let alone other STDs, is of less concern than the immediate lack of basic necessity such as food, clothes and shelter. Incidence of sexually transmitted diseases correlates significantly with Iev(?l of extramarital sex.
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