The influence of an urbanised catchment area on storm water disposal: : a study of Enugu urban area
Basins, water, urban areas, rain, stormwater,, Enugu, NigeriaSynopsis
An investigation is made here of the ini'luence of the 182 km 2 instrumented urban basin of Enugu on storm water disposaio The cha.racteristics of 20 sub-catchments m the urban water shed are ana.lysed and 16 variables are generated, viz: overland flow (Horton•a), rainfall amount, ra:i.n:f'all intensity, lagtime, catcbment area, building density, discharge (rational Method), rainfall du.ration, peak of etorm hydrograph, cross sectional areas of stream in artificial drains, angle of slope, in:filtration capacity, strearn frequency, poor state o:f maintenance of' artilicial drains, man-made impermeable surfaces and naturally pervious areas. In the more urba.nised subcatchments, overland flow is 2 ta 3 times as large as the flow from the less urbanised ones. The base flow separation lines for the 6 natural stream hydrographs :ln Enugu show a drastic reduction in low flows due to low infiltration capacitY. T.he ICA model is employed to anaiyse our da with orthogonal varirnax rotation ta maximise the variance of the load:ings on each component. !lhe 16 urban hydrological predictor variables are parsimoniously transformed into 6 underly:ing dimensions that account for 86.6% of the total variance in u.rban basin runoffo These are:
(i) !lhe degree of built up environment which accomits for the highest contribution (22.2%) of variation in urban basin runoff.
(ii) Temporal characteristics of storm.
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