The Implementation of the Federal Urban Mass Transit Programme in Nigeria:: a case study of Imo Transport Company Limited, Owerri
Urban transport, transport,, transit, urban transit, transport company, NigeriaSynopsis
Transportation involves the movement of people, goods and services from one place to another. This
makes for a more equitable distribution and availability of resources and products at dii'ferm1t
locations in the country.
Observations, experiences and available literature show that several policies have been made to
guide the various transportation modes .in the country - rail, road,
air and water. Unfortunately, these policies and programmes have on many occasions encountered
severe bottlenecks
during the implemen tation stages.
Thus, this research effort focus.os attention on the exten t the curren t f ederal urban mass
transit programme has been implemented in the country with the experience in Imo State as a frame
of reference. The ivork is divided into
six major chapters with :relevant sub-headings.
Chapter one deals with general intraduction, statement of problem, purpose, and significance of
study, literature review, the theoretical framework, hypotheses and methods used in carrying out
the stud.y.
In chapter two, an analysis of the historical develop
ment of transport in the country was made. The types of modem transport systems mainly .involved ID
mass movement of commuters were discussed.
Chapter three contains a detailed discussion on the
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