Partage international de risque en Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine




Macroéconomie,, risque, zones monétaires,, partage de risques, UEMOA,, Afrique de l'ouest


This study analyzes the effectiveness of risk sharing as an alternative to traditional coping mechanisms in the West African Monetary Zone. Based on the method of decomposition of the variance of the growth rate of GDP, the results show that the asymmetric distribution of risks between WAEMU' countries is 27.5 to 29.8%. Savings is the main channel of risk sharing that
· •· smooth 26.1 to 26.9% of shocks. In addition economic integration changes the distribution of the degree of stabilization of shocks between different channels of risk sharing. The frequency of shocks over time reduced the percentage of shared risks in the union and increases the fraction of stabilized shocks by savmg.


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July 5, 2023

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