Leadership Styles and Organisational Change in the Brewing Industry: a Study of Nigerian Breweries PLC, Lagos: 1986-1996
Leadership,, organisational change,, brewery, beverage industry,, NigeriaSynopsis
Leadership is a complex phenomenon. It is acutely context sensitive. Leadership is the process of
influencing individuals or group activities towards the achievement of enterprise objectives. So,
it represents the ability of a manager to influence subordinates' to willingly perform specific
tasks associated with the goal accomplishment.
The successful organisations have one major attribute that sets them apart from unsuccessful ones;
dynamic and effective leadership. Organisations need to change and adapt in order to be effective.
lt is increasingly apparent to all that organisational change is a requisite for organisational
improvement, and that managed change is likely to be more effective than unmanaged change.
Directly flowing from this problem therefore are a number of questions relating to the effects of
leadership style on organisational change in industry. We therefore attempted in this study to
answer some ofthese questions.
lt was found in this study that leadership style does in fact influence change in organisations in
terms of how the change is managed. This change though may be infrequent but could be
revolutionary in nature. Consequently leadership is very important in times of organisational
crisis. lt was revealed in this study that the qualities that will enable the top executive of the
füture to stand out among his/her fellow presidents are his/her capacity to perceive meaningful
change and inspire his/her people to respond, and his/her skill in fostering participative
management without losing drive
and spirit in his/her
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