Constraints to technology transfer and productivity of fish in Nigeria : a case study of three maritime states
Fishery, fishery engineering, food, technology transfer, fish production, food problem, artisanat fishery, NigeriaSynopsis
Fish is a vital source of protein supplement in the diet of most Nigerians. Its production has however never met up with demand resulting in high market cost and the fishery subsector's inability to significantly improve the nutritional standard of the diet of the average Nigerian. Federal and State Governments concur that a modernization of the means of production through technological improvement and concomitant change in fishing location and attitude of the artisanal fishermen were solutions to the problem. These efforts have not improved the situation. It is against this backdrop that this study aimed generally at analysing the constraints to the transfer of technology and productivity of artisanal fishermen users and non-users of Yamaha 25 Horse power outboard engine in three Nigerian coastal States was carried out. More specifically, the study sought to describe the demographic and occupational characteristics of the fishermen, analyse the reasons for their preference or non-preference of the technology and to ascertain the constraints to the transfer of the technology at the service and supply levels, organizational level as well as categorizing the constraint factors at utilization level. The study also aimed at investigating the attitude of fishermen to the technology and their sources of information. Determinants of dependent variables such as fishing income/productivity, knowledge about technology from selected independent variables, and investigation of the relationship between fishing location and constraints at the utilization level were also carried out. The landings, costs and returns of traditional fishermen and users of the technology were also compared in the three States. The results were as follows: Age, Number of wives, number of children, number of dependants, religion, tribe and education were not significantly different among the users and non-users of Y25Hp Outboard engine in Lagos and Ogun States. While in Ondo State, age and education were significantly different between. the users and non-users of the Y25Hp Outboard engine. Active fishing years, number of canoes owned, number of people employed in fishing, number of trips made per week, all had significant association with the use of Y25Hp Outboard engine by the sea fishermen in Lagos State. While in Ogun State, the number of trips made by fishermen per week and the number of people employed in fishing had significant association with the use of the Y25Hp Outboard engine. Age, education, number of people employed in fishing and number of fishing trips made per week were found to have significant association with the use of Y25Hp Outboard engine by the sea fishermen. system, lack of technical training in Y25Hp Outboard engine, policy of the government, high import duties and the high cost of the Y25Hp Outboard engine were important constraints. Lastly, a the Multinational Company level, lack of local control, restrictive transfer practices, prices, government control, contract agreement clauses were highly rated constraint variables.
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