Inégalités d’accès et coproduction du service d’eau dans les quartiers pauvres de Toamasina (Madagascar)


MIAKATRA LEGER, Soamarina Landitiana


unequal access, water supply, water reforms, coproduction, Toamasina, Madagascar


In Toamasina (Madagascar), the public network of drinking water supplies only a minority of the population, either by private connections or by collective water taps. Several districts of the city lack basic infrastructures of distribution and their inhabitants draw underground water from wells or buy water from informal merchants. Since a few years, the Malagasy government has adopted a new water policy that relies on institutional reforms and the direct participation of the population in the delivery of water, notably in the poor urban districts. These reforms call for thorough analysis of the changing patterns of access to drinking water, particularly those that mobilize people around co-production arrangements. These last ones have modified the relationship between water supply, urbanized areas and local actors. The thesis analyzes the effects of these evolutions in the poor neighborhoods of Toamasina.


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June 20, 2023


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