Division of Labour and Sexual inequality in urban Tanzanian households: a case study of Sinza Dar es Salaam
Division of labour, sex discrimination, household, urban areas, Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaSynopsis
So much have been said a.bout the problem of sexual inequality, but little have been done to in the context of household
labourin Urban Tanzania.n household, and how i t contributes to sexual ineg_uality, by exa.mining factors shaping and peipetuationg the division of labour in the urban Tanzanian householdo The target population of the households located a.long Sheki.lango road in Sinza area. The area is betwee~ Robert Mugabe Primary School and grave yard.S, whioh is the heart of Sinza. The area. has approximately 500 households f'rom which 29 researched households were pioked• Data collection was done tbrough indebth interviews and observation, and beoause the households had some diffew rent oha.raoteristios case study approach was used and lified data was obtained. The findings as n. whole revealed that there were some social prooesses which contributed to the shaping and perpetuating the division of labour in the urban Tanzanian households. Such processes included social economic conditions, occupation, cultural values, and religiono,