Analyse de la rentabilité financière et économique des systèmes de production de l'ananas au Bénin
Ananas, production agricole, rentabilité, marketing, rentabilité économique, méthode d'analyse des données, BéninSynopsis
The production of cotton contributes to employment, to the incomes of the farming populations,
to the economy of the countries of Africa of the West, in particular of Benin. Economy, tributary
of the only culture of the cotton present a lot of risks taking into account the low yields, the
production costs raised, the fall in the price of cotton on the international market and the
·decreasing competivity. Benin chooses then a diversification of the export's offer, which stresses
the promotion of other products at strong potential of export. The pineapple value chain is one of
the strategic choices of Benin, to ensure the diversification of values chains and an increase in the
public revenue. But to claim in an important place of values chains pineapple must be
competitive. The conditions of production being able to optimize the financial and economic
profits must be examined.
This work tries to identify the systems of production which make it possible to produce pineapple
for optimize profits. With this intention, the plate of Allada (communes of Allada and Toffo)
which constitutes the zone of highest production, representative of all the systems of production,
was selected like zone of study. An exploratory investigation made it possible to determine four
categories of systems of production on the basis of following criteria: planted surface, density of
plantation, variety and the level of application of the technical standards (level of consumption of
the inputs, type oflabor, and the respect of the technical route).
We distinguished nine systems for the sugar loaf variety and five systems for the smooth
Cayenne variety. The primary data acquisition was inade to the producers composing the
various identified systems of production. The method of the Matrix of Analysis of Policies
(MAP) was used to calculate the ratios of measurement of profitability financial and
economic, the comparative advantage and the effect of the transfers.
These systems of production are financially and · economically profitable. The smooth
Cayenne variety with 30% of export of the production gives the highest profit, in the category
of the systems of production represented by the small producers. Benin has a comparative
advantage to produce and export fresh pineapple. But it is necessary to increase this
·competitiveness by improving more the systems of production, characterized by a strong
representation of the small producers, by helping for export.
Taking into account the results obtained, to the level of the production the formation and
information must be brought to the producers so that they respect the technical route and the
standards with respect to international market. A structure of research specific to pineapple is
also necessary to accompany the production to respect the standards. It is essential to support
the producers: to set up appropriations to facilitate the financing of the activities. To increase
the offer of export, the installation of a consequent system of traceability and the reduction of .the production costs of the pineapple export are necessary. It is also necessary to encourage
the private to create the factories of packing, to build a cold warehouse and wharf of fruits at
the port of Cotonou and export by maritime grouping. The agricultural policies of pineapple
promotion must go in this direction to incite hid development.
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