Musique, leadership, musique populaire, Kinshasa, Congo RDSynopsis
On the popular Congolese-Kinshasan music space, considered as a field of opposed forces,
stars fight themselves using words, gibes, nicknames, exhibitions of fetishized wealth (villas,
luxurious cars, fashion clothes).This work, prelude ta a doctoral dissertation tempts ta understand
and ta explain among ail others, the lexical strategy used as symbolic arm in the war of stars under
the Kinshasan sky, and demonstrates how the signs of the state failure, since 1990, stamp
themselves on the artistic universe, more through out the study of figure case : the leadership war,
direct or by followers (armed hand of stars), between "The forest King" Noël Ngiama Werrason and
the "Marshal", "Salvatore de la Patria" J.-B. Mpiana. These two "Cyborgs" have corne from the same
planet, Wenge Musica Bon Chic Bon Genre Tout Terrain 4 x 4, before getting into confrontations
since 1997, in spite of the "Oslo agreements" which they were forced ta sign before the President
Joseph Kabila. In short, through the Kinshasan musical stars power fights, the fights of powerful men
(politicians, entrepreneurs), and the crisis within the Congolese entire society - not without tempting
ta amplify it or ta let it go down by their censured charms - offer themselves in a show. But far from
being reduced into a simple metaphor of the political field or whole society, the Kinshasan musical
field aise respond ta its own logic.
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