Our study focuses on the impact of human capital on economic growth in Chad. Since 2003, economic growth has improved with oil. However neither the framework nor the standard of living of the populations they have truly transformed. The population becomes more both in rural and urban areas. Armed conflicts in the country have aggravated the crisis in the country. The social dimensions have not been spared, in this case the education sector.
The extreme poverty in which the Chadian population lives justified the choice of this topic. The objective of this work is to assess the impact of human capital through education on economic growth in Chad. Review of the literature on human capital and growth has led us to formulate the following hypothesis: The human capital positively influence national product
We estimated a production model in which we have incorporated variables of dull educational enrolment by OLS on the software Eviews. Education has a positive impact on economic growth in Chad corroborating these fact theories of capital and
endogenous growth. Given the impact of human capital on economic growth, investment in the education sector will increase economic growth and maintain over a long period.
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