Water supply, water shortage, urban area, water quality, residential area, water sources, water situation, peri-urban areas, water needs, Ibadan, NigeriaSynopsis
Water is a basic necessity. However, its distribution over space is quite uneven. The case at hand is that of the peri-urban water situation. This study was undertaken to examine how peri-urban residents meet their water needs, the activities of Community Based Associations, those of the Local Government Councils as well as those of the State Water Corporation towards ameliorating water supply problems in the fringe. The study also examined factors associated with and those determining households' choice of source of water using Multiple Regression Analysis adopting the Dummy Dependent Variable Technique.
A total number of 300 households were sampled and interviewed randomly in seven periurban communities picked through a lucky dip method from the seven peri-pheral Local Government Areas in Oyo State. A set of questionnaire was also administered on the relevant officials of the respective Local Government Councils and the State Water Corporation.
Findings of the study reveal that ordinary well constitutes the major source of water to most of the peri-urban residents and that only a few could afford safe and hygienic source, while in most cases quantity of water needed is not usually met especially in the dry season. Furthermore the impacts of Community Based Organisations are not impressive while local governments and the State Water Corporation are financially constrained.
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