Le bassin du fleuve congo: modalités des écoulements de surface et souterrains. approche des échanges hydriques surface, souterrain en milieu continu. hydrologiehydrogeologie- hydrochimie
Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Hydrochemestry, Congo river basinSynopsis
This memory made point of different result acquired since eleven years of research on the hydrologie, hydrogeologic and hydrochimic functional of Congo basin.
Hydrologie value have permited to specify flows mode of surface. Hydrolic balance eggragate has_been established to different following terms :
surface of slope basin : 3,7.106 km2 ;
average rain gauge : 17 00 mm;
real average evapotranspire : 1000 mm;
average efficacious rain fall : 580 mm;
average streaming : 120 mm.
Otherwise, balance numeraled of malter exportation r.ealized at the principal station of Brazzaville controling more of95 % of the total basin area represented thus:
solid tranport : 30,6.106 i. an·'
disolve trasport: 61,1.106 tan·'
flow Iiquid: 41.700 m'.s·1
These result reveal that chimical erosion is largely preponderant (system biostatic in humid zone with dense vegetation).
The hydrochemical analyses have showed a weak mineralization of river's waters. Hydrogeologic studies have been entrepresed in sight of characterized the different aquiferes. These studies have revealed being oftwo types of aquiferes:
Generalized aquiferes: they are represented by the formation in the littoral zone those of central basin and recent formation of plateau Batéké. These formations are in great part constitute of deposit loose with a womb porosity;
Discontinous aquiferes: are represènted by formation of ancien! sedimentary and rock crystalline and christalophiliens of middle and inferior precambrien these are compact rock and indurated (sand stone, granite, limestone etc ... ). In these aquiferes porosity of fissure dominate.
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