Ajustment Strategies of Livestock Entreprises in a depressed Economy: a Study of Poultry Entreprises in Owerri Imo State of Nigeria
Poultry, structural adjustment, feed, livestock, equipment costs, vaccines, poultry enterprisesSynopsis
This study identified various. categories of poultry enterprises, examined their probl~ as well as 1heir adjustment strategies. Eighty (80) poultry farmers in Owerr~ Imo state Nigeria were selected Questionnaire, records and observations
were used in /he collection ofrequired information. It was found that high cost of feeds was the most mentioned problem facing poultry enterl,rises in Owerri. 01her problems that discouraged investments in the poultry industry included high cost of drugs and vaccines, equipment cost, poor sales and loJ profit margin coupled with reduced net profit . The use of non-conventional feeds, ~ggressive marketing and other cost reduction str~tegies are employed by poultry farmers to remain in business. The study therefore rec01mnends these; as well as,. survival strategies_, up.der a distressed I economy . Tlie use of poultry by- products and industrial organic wastes as substitute or supplemett thi convetional feeds in poultry feeding should be explored
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