Botswana - Zimbabwe trade : cooperation and conflicts in bilateral trade relations 1956 to 1993
Foreign trade, bilateral relations, trade agreements, international cooperation, conflicts, Zimbabwe, BotswanaSynopsis
Botswana and· Zimbabwe's current bilateral trade relations date back to the now revised
Untied Kingdom brokered 1956 Customs Agreement between the British High Commission
Territories and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. This Agreement
free-èntry of goods originating in either country provided the local content total
more of the total invoiced value. The Ag~eement also include an Open General Impci.rt.
Licence (OGIL) clause whose implication was that all goods put onto the list
imported with guaranteed access to foreign exchange. Since the political forces in'
territories sought the same objectives there was no conflict of interests which worked tQ
undermine the 1956 Agrement. Under this Agreement the Botswana-Zimbabwe traqe,
interaction seems to have gone on smoothly. without problems.
Attempts at finding solutions between 1982 and 1992 proved difficult. With this problem
research set out to investigate the reasons for the change from conflict-free trade
and conflicts; attempts at resolving the disputes by negotiating to update the 1956 Agreement
and the difficulties which attended these attempts. Interviews, Archivai sources
Customs Agreement; The Bechuanaland Protectorate Southern Rhodesia. South African weight restrictions on live cattle.
Customs Agreement BP-SR: Resident Conunissioner's letter to High Commissioner, 18 December, 1936.
Customs Agreement BP-SR, 1930; Question of Using its cancellation as a bargaining counter with Union Government.
Let ter from D. W. Dewar, Francistown Tati Company Conunissioner, 8 July, 1931 Local Secretary, Ltd, to Resident Council meeting on Customs and Re-experts from Southern Rhodesia.
Bechuanaland Resident Commissioner Correspondence to the High Comni.issioner, 18 December, 1936.
High Commissioners Office, No. 60, confidential interna! Memo, 22 January 1938.
Butter and Cheese Agreement between the BP and SR, Draft General Agreement.
Correspondence from Protectorate Government House, Mafeking, to Clarke on High :Commissioners ruling over the Issue of Abandoning the Agreement with S. Rhodesia.
Customs Regulations on· Re-experts from Southern Rhodesia (Customs Proclamation No. 66/1937, Sections 1 (c) and (2).
High Commissioner's Office Memo, Secret No. 3148. Administrative Secretary's Letter No. 2123 of 13 August, 1940.
Present and Future Relationship of the Bechuanaland Protectorate wi th the Republic of South Africa Outside the Commonwealth: Comments by Development Secretary on Note by Finance