New Regionalism as an Approach to Cooperation in Africa:: with Reference to the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
Regionalism, Approach, Cooperation, Africa, Reference, PartnershipSynopsis
For many decades, regionalism was considered a potential solution to the different crises faced by the African continent. So-called old regionalism, as implemented between the 1960s and late 1980s, yielded limited success in addressing the multidimensional challenges on the continent, resulting in a re-evaluation of Afiica's approach to continental cooperation and integration, with a view to continental development. With new trends emerging in international relations following the end of the Cold War, new regionalism was introduced as an innovative way to deal with relations between regional partners.
With the launch of the New Partnership for Afiica's Development (NEPAD), Africa officially declared Hs endorsement of new
regionalism. This study assesses the potential of NEPAD to deal with the numerous developmental challenges facing Afiica. It explores how new regionalism could contribute to the resolution of a range of crises and challenges on the continent. The study focuses on Africa's. past regionalist experience, the role of new regionalism in addressing Africa's trade and investment dilemma, as well as its rQle in promoting good govemance and peace in Afiica. The study concludes that notwithstanding the positive contribution of new regionalism, especially through its multidimensional approach, NEPAD will face tremendous challenges, mostly due to· the failure of new regionalism in acknowledging the influence of other operational contexts -
international and domestic - on the succe·ss of regionalist ventures. Key concepts: new regionalism, multilàteralism,· NEPAD, AU, FDI, good govemance, APRM, African development, security.
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