Constraints to Adoption of Recommended Multiple Cropping Systems and Implications of their Non-Adoption to Rural Poverty in Enugu State
Cultivation systems, poverty, contract farming, crop yield, agricultural extension, farmers, rural poverty, constraints of adoption, NigeriaSynopsis
The research work was designed to ascertain the constraints to the adoption
of recommended multiple cropping systems and the implication of their nonadoption
to poverty situation in Enugu State.
Specifically, the objectives were to determine the difference in crop yield
between the recommended multiple cropping system and the traditional
intercropping systems, examine the incarne differentials between the adopters and
non-adopters, determine the level of poverty between the adopters and non-adopters ------
and finally identify the constraints to the adoption of the recommended multiple
cropping systems.
Contact farmers in Awgu and Nsukka agricultural zones of Enugu State
made up the population. Two hundred farmers constituted the sample. While one
hundred was the adopters of the recommended cropping systems, the other hundred
was those who did not adopt the systems. Structured interview schedules were used
to collect the data. The data were analyzed through the use of frequen,cy,
percentages, mean scores, T-test and multiple repression.
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