Relationship between changes in political leadership and administrative instability in Nigeria : a case study of Enugu State public service from 1979 to 1994
Political leadership, civil liberties, case studies, political development, political stability, administrative aspects, democracy, NigeriaSynopsis
The study examined the Relationship between changes in poHtical leadership and
Administrative instability in Nigeria - A case study of Enugu State Civil Service from 1979-
1994 .To carry out the study, three problems were specifically selected and studied. These are:
(1) The "personnel shifts" in administrative circle, (2) The issue of "Administrative Reorganisation"
and (3) The issue of "Administrator's survivability", all in relation to political
In investigating the above prob.le'ms, we formulated three hypotheses, namely (i) That
"There is a positive relationship between changes in political leadership and personnel shifts
among career administrators" in Enugu S.ta te civil service. (ii) That "changes in political
leadership lead to administrative re-organisation" in Enugu State civil service. (iii) That
"changes in political lcadcrship threaten the survivability of administrators" in Enugu State civil
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