Sociological Analysis of Adult Patients with Depression at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife, Osun State
Sociological, Analysis, Adult Patients, Depression, Obafemi Awolowo University, Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife, Osun StateSynopsis
The study examined the influence of socio-economic factors (marital status, occupation and
religious affiliation) on the prevalence of depression. It also investigated patients’ perception
and knowledge of the illness and identified the coping mechanisms adopted by adult patients with
depression at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC). This was with a
view to exploring the socio-cultural context of depressive disorders in the study area.
Data were obtained from primary and secondary sources. A Case-Control design was adopted. The study
population consisted of two categories of adult patients (18-60years): those with primary
depressive conditions and those without depression seeking treatment over a 5 year period
(2002-2007) at the OAUTHC. Based on the hospital records, 110 adult patients with depression and
309 adult patients without depressive conditions met the inclusion criteria. All the 110 adult
patients with depression were selected for the Case Group, while an equal number of 110 adult
patients were selected for the Control Group using a simple random sampling technique. A total of
220 copies of questionnaire were administered on the two categories of adult patients. In-depth
interviews were held with 14 psychiatric caregivers (3 Doctors and 11 Nurses) in the hospitals.
Also, case files of patients with depression were consulted for relevant secondary information.
Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
The results showed that there were more young adults (18-40 years) in the Case Group (71.8%) than
the Control Group (51.3%). Also 58.6% of married female adults were in the Case Group compared to
the Control Group (41.4%); however, no significant relationship was found between marital status
and depression (χ² = 0.05, P >0.05).
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