Local Government as an Instrument for Rural Development: Explaining the Disparities within East Akim District, EAD
Local government, rural development, rural communities, living conditions, economic disparity, infrastructural development, GhanaSynopsis
Ghana is regarded in development circles as one of the few countries that started planning for
the overall development of its population. Perhaps, these observers were enthused by the
rural development programmes that became an integral part of the national planning and
development programmes of the post-independence govermnents. For effective
implementation, Local Govermnent was established not only as an agent of decentralized
policy but also to serve as a catalyst for rural development in the rural sector.
In spite of this early attempt at improving the living conditions of the rural people of Ghana
and in spite of the several other approaches and strategies to address the imbalance between
the urban centres and the rural areas, the general level of development in the rural
communities has remained predominantly low. Gross disparities exist between urban centres
and the rest of the rural areas. Thus, the allocation of development projects in favour of
urban centres, inefficiency, corruption, inappropriate technology and development have been
cited as the causative factors.
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