Management of industrial conflicts at work places: a study of the Nigerian railway corporation - eastern district


Departement of : PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, University of Nigeria,Nsukka


Labour disputes
social conflicts
industrial management
personnel management
industrial conflicts
railway corporation


In most Third World countries like Nigeria si
there had been continually industrial conflicts
since the ninety-eightieso This work uses the
Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) to investigate
extensively the causes of this hydra-hea.ded issue;
what management a.pproahhes used in re.solving
industrial conflicts in the NRC; and why its persistence?
The point of departure of' this work af'ter
reviewing literature was that, not much has been
said wi th Special ref'erence to managing indus trial
conflicts in the NRC ~ The survey research method
of' investigation .employed were the questionnaire
and oral interviews o This was c.omplemented wi th
information f'rom secondary materials like official
documents. Simple percentage table were used in
the analysiso The work reveals that the working
environment at the NRC is not conducive for industrial
peace.. This is as a resul t of' lost. of' interet by
the government to the rail· sector; poor method of'
payment o:f salaries, which is spasmodic., There are
also sour relationship_and poor communication between
railway men and its manag;ement and these have af'f'ected


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May 2, 1993

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