




The study identified the key external donors and their support for civil society agencies in Nigeria. It also examined the key strategies of engagement by external donors vis-a-vis civil society agencies in Nigeria and evaluated the impact of transnational donor strategies on the activities of civil society organisations. Finally, the study also examined the implications of external donor involvement with civil society for democratisation in Nigeria. Primary and secondary data were used for this study. Primary data were obtained through in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). In-depth interviews were conducted with officials of purposively selected CSOs engaged in advocacies targeting key issues relevant to democratisation such as gender, electoral reforrn, capacity building, religion and peace building. Other interview respondents included academics, and officials of funding organisations particularly United Nations' Development Programme (UNDP), Open Society Institute of West Africa (OSIWA) and Local Government Initiative-Open Society Institute (LGI-OSI). The FGDs, consisting of an average of between four to six persons drew mainly from operators of CSOs brought together along the five thematic clusters selected. Secondary data were obtained from extant literature, policy briefings, official documents, newspaper articles and periodicals; all of which were subject to detailed content analysis


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February 12, 2011

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