




Taiwan's po/icy of assisting developing countries has contributed to her strong relations with some states in diffèrent parts of the world This is especially true for the Gambia. This research work on the relations between the Gambia and Taiwan, 1970-2012 discusses change and continuity in the Gambia's foreign policy in its relations with Taiwan. The study explores Taiwan :S- con!ribuJions to the socio-economic and political development of the Gamhia and also looked at t challenges arisingfrom relations between the two countries, as well as the prospects of mutual benefits. The study shows the national interest of both countries dictated and governed the special relations between thein. It investigates the existing relations between the two countries with a view to understanding why bath nations are committed towards each-other. While the Gambia, which is endowed with little human and natural resources has benefitted .from Taiwan in various areas of human development with a positive impact on the lives of the people, Taiwan has cherished the diplomatie recognition accordea" il by the Gambia. The study concludes by appraising elements and contradictions ofGambia-Taiwan relations.


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February 12, 2014

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