Impact of Secret Societies on Higher Education: a Case Study of the University of Nigeria and Enugu State University of Science and Technology
Higher education, interest groups, college management, educational aspects, secret societies, Mafia, NigeriaSynopsis
Disturbances by campus secret societies in
contemporary Nigerian Universities have taken an
alarming turn~ Reports are commonplace about
clashes between rival secret societies, how members
of the societies destroy university facilities,
assault, injure and kill members of university
communitieso The~e activities of the societies
have caused mariy ~arents, university au-1:horities,
government and,the society untol~ discomforts.
A situation such as this calls for a closer
examination of issues relatinq to the societies.
This s-tuwy was therefore conducted with the purposes
of finding out the causes of campus secret societies,
how they orerate, their impact on higher education
in universities and measures for thetr conrrol.
To carry out the study, the two campuses of
university of Niqeria and three campuses of Enuau
state 'University of science and Technology were
used. one hundred and one tutorial staff and eiqht
hundred and sixty-two students from the various
carnpuses were randomly selected as responden~s for
the study.