Les conséquences psychotraumatiques de la maltraitance faite aux enfants et aux adolescents au Togo : étude prospective réalisée sur 136 enfants accueillis au centre oasis de la fondation terre des hommes, Lomé, de 2005 à 2008
Mauvais traitements envers les enfants, enfants, adolescents, psychologie, traumatisme, psychotraumatisme, psychopathologie, stress, TogoSynopsis
This research auns to describe the psychotraumatic consequences of children and adolescents .abuse in Togo, in comparison with psychotraumatic disorders described in the literature. The benefit of this description is the demonstration of the extent of the damage that causes a traumatic event that is the abuse of developing human beings. - The identification of these ravages will lead to improved strategies for care prevention and cure of these injuries. This paper describes the psychotraumatic consequences in the short and medium tem1. It then recalls the mechanisms of the personality involved in the psychic trauma. It finally considers at the long-term consequences in adulthood, if no adequate psychotheraj:,eutic care was implemented. Observation techniques and maintenance of the survey method, allowed to colleët infonnation · to. assess the psychological status of victims of child abuse. Analysis · of data allowed to identify the following . psychopathological disordèrs: disorâers ot persona1ity devefopment, depressive syndrom, posttraumatic stre~s disorder, psychosomatic pathologies and· disorder~ ôf social conduct. Potential dsks in adulthood co~ld be &edous personality disorders, psychotic disorders, neuroiic disordêrs, psychosmnatfo disorders.