Histoire de l'enseignement islamique en Côte d'Ivoire : dynamique d'évolution d'une éducation communautaire, fin XIXème siècle - 2005
History , Islam, Muslim, Education , Confessional school , Convention , AssociationSynopsis
informal. Islamic education, belonging to the second group, is numbered among the precursors of the country’s
educational system. Under the authority of individuals or communities rather than the State, Islamic educational establishments have persisted. They entered the educational scene as traditional Islamic schools or Dougoumakalan (in the Malinké language) before undergoing changes as medersas under the colonial administration. In spite of such changes through which they have come to resemble the format of public schools, Islamic educational establishments have continued to progress since the country’s independence under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. Such a situation, marginalizing an important proportion of school age Muslim youth, would lead to the creation of Islamic associations. From 1954 to the decade beginning in 1980, several organizations including the national branch of Cultural Muslim Union (CMU), the Koranic Teachers Association (CTA) and the High Islamic Council (HIC) engaged themselves in the struggle for the recognition of Islamic schools der. All those initiatives failed. However, they paved the way for talks between the government and the associations in the multiparty era. With the liberalization of political life, the 1980s witnessed the renewal of the debate over the problem of Islamic education. Thus, under the aegis of the National Islamic Counsel (NIC), negotiations undertaken with government successfully led to the signing of an agreement concerning Islamic education on December 2, 1993.Tbis new ruling allowed medersas to move out of the shadows and join the ranks of Catholics and Protestants denominational schools. However, more than a decade after implementation of this agreement, the appearance of the Islamic educational system appearance is still far from brilliant.
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