Access to and utilization of quality information in rural development programmes in bama zone of Borno state


CAMBLE, Emmanuel


Access to information, information services, public libraries, rural development, information transfer, librarians, Information, documentation, quality of information, Borno, Nigeria


The broad objective of the study is to determine the quality of information available to rural people as well as rural development workers for rural development programmes. This was carried out by analysing the information transfer activities in the various rural developrnent programmes in Barna Developrnent Zone of Borna State. Specifically, the information environment of rural people as well as ~ural developrnent workers in the survey was deterrnined. The role of "public librarians" in the process was exarnined and problerns rnilitating against the free flow of quality information for rural development programmes were identified. The study involved 161 rural developrnent workers, 12 "public librarians" and a sarnple of 400 rural people. The results of the various analyses showed that rnajority of the rural people are non-literates and all of thern are involved in agriculture either as part-tirne or full-tirne farrners. A sizeable nurnber of thern are also involved in non-farrn econornic activities. They expressed t~eir desire for information in all the major sectors of integrated rural developrnent as well as in socio-cultural and recreational activities. This, they have obtained through rural development agencies rather than through library/community information centres but more from agricultural extension workers, educated people and village heads within their communities.


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June 26, 2023


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