Electricity, Pricing, Demand, Households, Elasticity, Pseudo-panelSynopsis
Energy policy has always been at the heart of the concerns of public decision-makers in Senegal. Significant resources are mobilized for its implementation, a heavy burden for public finances. Its application, in terms of appropriate sectoral policies including good pricing policy in relation to the current difficult environment, impact on electricity demand of households. In this thesis, we study the explanatory factors of the demand for electricity in the residential sector in Senegal and the effects of the pricing on this request. We apprehend it by the calculation of elasticities. The methodology used is based on a model of expenditure of Stone (1954) on pseudo-panel data. Our results show that with the exception of the variable "number of pieces" variables are significant and have an effect on the expense of household electricity. Better analysis of the expenditure of electricity depending on the level of life shows that the pricing of electricity impact pas of the same scale the expense electricity of easy, average and modest households.
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