Efficacité et impact de l'investissement direct etranger sur la croissance : cas du Bénin
Investissements directs, investissements étrangers, croissance économique, analyse économétrique, politique économique, modèles de croissance, investissements directs étrangers, BéninSynopsis
The role of the foreign direct investment (IDE) on the growth in countries in development
(PED) made the object of a vast empiric research. For certain authors, the relation between IDE
and growth is positive, that it is meaningful or no. But for others, it is rather negative. In sum, the
relation between IDE and growth doesn't appear lucid. The thus mitigated findings can be assigned
to the fact that studies carry on panels, camouflaging specificities of every country.
Our work was therefore to examine the particular case of Benin on the period of 1970 to
2002. Taking account of the possibility of the interdependence between IDE and growth, we chose
like model, a simultaneous equation system that we tested by the two stages least square (fSLS)
method to test the impact of the IDE on the growth rate of the real GDP. We arrived to the
conclusion that the IDE affects positively and meaningfully the growth rate and that it is more
efficient than the domestic investment. In that concerns the human capital and the degree of
opening, they don't play the role of catalyst since in interaction with the IDE, they affect positively
but no meaningfully the growth rate to Benin.
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