Psychosocial Factors Determining Psychological Disorders among Prison inmates in Nigeria: Implications for Treatment Intervention
Prisoners, pychology, criminal law, psychosocial factors, psychological disorders, NigeriaSynopsis
This study was designed to assess the role of psychosocial variables in .determining psychological disturbances among prisoners, in Nigeria and initiate a psychological treatment intervention programme for use among prisoners; Stratified sampling. was used to select four medium· prisons in Nigeria. These were Kaduna, Agodi, Benin and Enugu prisons.Using a table of random numbers, 150 prisoners were .a ndomly selected from the_ four prisons and another 150 non-prisoners from the .general population; Also, 211 prisoners were involved in· the treatment programme at the Agod_i prison, lbadan. These were randomly' assigned to both experimental and control groups. Data were. collected using the Personality Inventory Questionnaire (PIQ), comprising Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Awaritefe · Psychological.- Index (API), the Crown Crisp Experiential Index (CCEI), ·and ldemudia Prison Stress Scale .(IPSS). Nine hypotheses were tested in this study...
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