La société politique de l'Afrique post-coloniale dans l'univers romanesque de Francis Bebey


EYENGA ONANA, Pierre-Suzanne


reference, sociocritics, fun, oralisation, mockery, dissidence, political speech, political writirig, political ethics, ideology


Sorne critics have been showing that Francis Bebey's nove! is only interested in portraying african nature and culture; other critics have succeeded in establishing that the cameroonian novelist is focusing on the issue of love and all related matters. The objective of this work is to bring forward a totally different viewpoint which is no longer basing analyses on a thematic approach, but rather on a new paradigm which is politics. Consequently, our research assumption in that: Francis Bebey's nove! is a political nove! interested in the questioning and ironical demystification of the post colonial african society. To corne to that conclusion, our· analyses are based on a theoretical approach which is sociocritics.· _'That scieritific approach tackles altogether, historical, social, ideological and cultural data within a nove!, only expecting to be analyzed and interpreted. Taking into account these conditions, our work is divided into three main parts. The first ·one. entitled les procédés de référentialisation pour la lisibilité du roman de Francis Bebey, aims at emphasizing the interaction that exists between Bebey's nove! and its socio-cultutal environment. Iri the second part referred to as la textualisation du discours politique de Bebey, we. investigate Bebey's rhetoric and political writing, by bringing out pertinent aspects of his aesthetics. Firially, · in the last part labeled De la -geste· romanesque au discours l'idéologique de Bebey, we try to question the writer's political and ethical viewpoints and see how they flock together in identifying his ideology, taking into' accoùnt his status as a member of the group of novelists of 1980s. We finally conclude that Be bey' s ideo~ogy is nothing else but the African ideology.


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July 5, 2023


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