Motivation factors affecting female labour force participation in Nigeria: a case study of Nsukka town
Women workers, motivation, employment, female labour, Nsukka, NigeriaSynopsis
Economists have long been faced iwith the problem
of explaining the labour fqrce behaviour of men, women and
cl:.ildren, Why people work is one of the questions behind the
economist's concern with labour as a factor of production.
This study is an attempt therefore to answer the question as
it pertains to females in Nsukka town.
The main objective of the study is to identify the
reasons why females work and to highlight the relationship
between the motives and the personal characteristics of the
females. The study also investigates the attitudes of males
towarqs female participation in work,
A multi-sta. ge sampling procedur. e ,w i3s adopted in the
selection of the final sample of 500 females and 20 males