Knowledge, Use and Awareness of Reproduction Health Services among Youths: a Case Study in Secondary Schools in Dar Es Salaam Dar Es Salaam:University of Dar Es Salaam


Anneth Eliawony MEENA


Reproduction Health, Secondary Schools, Dar Es Salaam


This study examined the knowledge, use and awareness of reproductive health services among youths. The focus was on secondary school students and nurses from different family planning programs. In addition, the study emphasized the availability of information on sex and sexuality for youths, awareness of family planning services and finally the need for sex education. The study area was chosen to be Dar-es-salaam urban because of its heterogeneous nature. Dar-es-salaarn has diversified ethnie and cultural groups that in tum influence people's behaviour, particularly youth's sexuality. The main instruments of data collection were interview schedule using questionnaires. Other sources were informai interview, observations and documentary sources. Four secondary schools were selected that had two distinct features, namely coed schools and single sex schools. Also, three family planning programs were selected with the following features: namely local non-govemmental organisation, private nongovemmental organisation and government based organisation. A total of301 students and 4 nurses were involved.


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Bureau of Statistics (1992) Population Census: Dar-es-salaam Regional Profile. Dar-es­ salaam, Tanzania.

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July 20, 1995

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