Taboo and ethnolinguistic assimilation: the orring case


EZEH, Peter-Jazzy


Taboo, assimilation, the orring case, anthropologists, Orring traditional religion


Although taboo is one of the su,bjects that has interested anthropologists from the· ea_i:!iest days of the discipline, nevertheless no researcher has  p;revioμsly investigated its place in ethnolinguistic assimilation. The pres~nt ··
2 ·stiJdy focussed on taboo in an· effo1t to explain why the Orring traditional religion is the ?nly resilierit domain among a total of four investigated in this ; minority ethnolinguistic group whose clans that live adjacent to the Igbo are found to be assimilating to their numerically s'uperior neighbours. Existing ks also present taboo as a negative in junction on which the ethnic has on  binary options of observance or violation. The Orring experience brings to
light a third category, avoidance. It is the strategy adopted in .these clans by the Christians who neither want to risk incUi,ing . the consequ~nces of infringement of the taboo nor violate the tenets of their imported faith which
· fro...; vns .. at _autochthonous rites as idolatry. I have introduced the three-gate schema. to · try to explain this


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July 7, 2023

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