Between State and Civil Society in Africa


Eghosa Osaghae


State, Civil Society, Africa


Dakar, CODESRIA, 1994, 147 p., ISBN: 2-86978-020-6 (paperback) ISBN: 2-86978-021-4 (cased)

The balance of power between an individual and the state they live in is the key to any country’s political process. Concepts of citizenship, reciprocity of rights and citizen’s duties intertwine in the struggle for assertion. With its largely collective citizenship, the civil society in Africa is alive and vibrant. But in the face of continuing global recession, the present phase of the African crisis is expected to sharpen contradictions within the continent’s states. New paradigms have to be sought to explain the formations and realities. The ten chapters in this book, all written by African scholars, question the western, ethnocentric model of development and look at the wide diversity of African experience. From the Ormo cosmic framework and street-begging in Nigeria, through the role of labour and the part played by wage demands in the African crisis, this volume is a major contribution to the debate on Africa’s future.


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July 22, 1994