Utilization of health facilities in the rural areas of Nigeria : a case study of Akinyele local government area of Oyo State
Health services, rural areas, hospitals, traditional medicine, health facilities, respiratory diseases,, living conditions, household, AkinyeleSynopsis
Most of the existing studies on utilization of health services merely examined patronage in i ts relationship to a broad spectrum of illnesses. Thus, not many efforts have been made to find out the pattern of utilization of health services for specific groups of morbidities. The present study was conceived to examine utilization of health services in relationship to respiratory diseases in sixty-seven households selected randomly from fifteen villages in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State of Nigeria.
This study ·reveals that r.espir atory diseases consti tute a major heal th problem in the rural areas. I t is also revealed ·that the occurrence of the respiratory diseases could have been due to poor and insanitary living conditions and consumption of commodities of pleasure such as alcohol and tobacco products. The most outstanding sources of therapy are Self-Medication,
Home-made Ther apy and Modern Ho spi talr while the least are the Traditional He~lers, the 'Health Workers' and Aladura
Churches. An important f'eature of utilization of services was found to be that the lVJOdern Hospi tals 1 Self-Medication
ami to a slightly lesser extént1 Home-Remedies appeared to
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