Job and maternal roles of working women :: satisfaction and stress


BABALOLA, Sunday Samson


Women workers, women's role, job satisfaction,, working conditions, working conditionsmaternal satisfaction,, maternal roles, Nigeria


Th s research was conducted to investigate the influence of stress and satisfaction on the dual
roles of working mothers. A likert-type questionnaire was
designed to measurè the behavioural attributes (job stress, job satisfaction, marital satisfaction,
materna! stress, and materna! satisfaction) which was responded to by 136
. working mothers from Ibadan.
Canonical correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationship of the five categorie$ of
beh vioural attributes with seventeen personal variables. This resulted in two meaningful canonical
variates of maternai satisfaction and stress. The data analysis suggested that the issue of
children, period of marriage and the statu of spouse should be taken into account when assessing
the dual roles of the working mothèrs/
The study also examined the relationship among the behavioural variables/attributes. Consistent
with prediction, correlation analysis result suggested that the wo:i;king mother 's working
experiences assumed to
influence what she would do away from work.


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June 27, 2023

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