Science and technology information networking in Ghana: : the myths and realities
Information networks, economic and social development, information dissemination,, communication, technology,, library automation, , science and technology,, libraries, information systems, scientific information,, libraries cooperation,, information sharing, development information, GhanaSynopsis
Ghana is directing its efforts to a Science and Technology (S&T) led socio-economic development. However, little attention is paid to the evolution and sustenance of appropriate information systems for scientific interaction and communication which are integral parts of the enabling environment for scientists. The project provides brief definitions and purposes of information, library cooperation, coordination and resource sharing. A review of the concepts of library and information networking
from a universal perspective, as well as library cooperation practices in Ghana was undertaken. Details of some schemes such as inter-lending, photocopying of documents and exchange of materials are discussed. A survey of existing library and information facilities and resources as well as the current level and degree of resource sharing in Ghana was carried out. The
Ghana National Scientific Technological Network (GHASTINET) Project was given an indepth examination. Besides, this state of-the-art study concentrated on the obstacles to information networking in the country. Recommendations are made for the improvement of library and information systems country-wide. It is argued that not until certain remedial measures are taken resulting in the creation of an enabling environment, information networking schemes will be doomed to failure. The author accepts that the meaning of library and information resource sharing, cooperation and networking are nearly the same and will therefore be used synonymously
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