Activity pattern, anthropometric and iron status assessment of pregnant women
Pregnancy, nutritive values, nutrition policy,, nutrition, anthropometry, maternal and childhealth,, nutrients, NigeriaSynopsis
Activity pattern, body mass index and iron status were studied during pregnancy. The results wereb obtained through questionnaire, 24-hour record of activities, height and weight measurements and biochemical analysis. A total of six hundred women were used for the study. Two hundred women each in Onitsha and Nsukka towns were used for the activity pattern study. Two hundred women were used for iron status study in Enugu town. Body mass index was found for all women in the three locations. Results of the study showed no statistical significance (p) 0.05) in activity pattern between the pregnant women living in Nsukka and Onitsha. Pregnant women allocated the longest time in their activity-time schedule to sleeping, which was not less than 9 hours. The time given to health care was 3.75 hours. In the third trimester, pregnant women slept longer than in the second trimester (t = 6.04; p < 0.001). Leisure time was higher in the third trimester than the second (t 2.57; p < 0.05). Time given to housecare was lower in the third trimester than in the second (t = 3.33; p ) 0.001). However, time for
shopping and food preparation was not different (p) 0.05) between the two trimesters. Pregnant housewives allocated more time to sleeping and leisure than other occupational groups, and less time to economic activities. Total household activities was performed more on weekends than weekdays (f = 22.47; p < 0.001).
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