Women organisation and rural development in Nigeria :: an evaluation of the better life for rural women programme in Aguata local government area of Anambra State
Women's organization,, health,, agriculture, small-scale industry,, living conditions, rural development,, rural women,, women's status,, education of women, Anambra State,, Aguata, NigeriaSynopsis
0 µral èvelopment is a social construct and a social the ptoduct of a particular society,s history p;rtunately for Nigeria1s development, gender has become a navel issue The feminist imperative haq forced the search ito ans ers·t9 key questions related to rural development. first, it must be asked if the outcome envisaged is re lly cte elopment unless wome and - by intimate but not previously self-evident 'implication - rural· dwellers · e unequivocally serv d, society itself has not been served.
The second question is closely re-1 ë\tec:1 to the first., Because of the push to evaluate rural 'ctevelopment programme''s,
ît must be asked if N:lgerian social reality has been taken into ccount in rural development schemes0 The scientific accµracy of this development programme can be tested by asking .,, whett,et programme obj,ectives have been properly taken care of.. Im licit in the mandate of the study is t e understanding of rural development as a social process.. we cannot assess this process without considering the diilectical relation hip ween gencter and rural development A major purpo e of.this to show how combined r-esearch on women and rural-development might bec me the basis for future gender concerns. paid particular attention to the·dialectical na;l:ure development,. a process that can either d{sequip of
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